Cultural and Creative Language Mediation

Cultural and creative Mediation, including music, film, media, publishing and the visual and performing arts, are frequently positioned at the heart of global social and economic life.

It is an innovative BA (Hons) Cultural and Creative  degree  studyng more than two languages   where students engage with the creative and cultural industries and learn skills in creative business management. This course develops a robust portfolio of skills to analyse the workings of these industries and to identify how best to engage with them.
In this course students will find out how to put on a live event, learn why international 'creative cities' are brought into being, understand new cultural management techniques, interrogate the power of the media, explore the social and environmental impact of network culture, have the opportunity to take internships and develop your own creative content.

Why study in Rome?

Rome's Cultural and Creative Mediation BA builds on our long established engagement with the arts, media and heritage sectors. The Department is in Pigneto where there is a great  history of running arts management, cultural policy and creative industries in film making. We have a strongly international outloook, and our graduates hold influential positions in organisations around the world. Our staff have worked with media companies, governments, arts organisations and commercial partners, and their research is at the cutting edge of academic debate in this field.

 Stemo Produstion

Loups Garoux Produzioni 

Course Structure

On this course you will:
  • Interrogate cultural, political and historical debates on the emergence and development of the cultural industries
  • Explore questions of power, policy and practice
  • Undertake hands-on cultural production through a range of elective choices
  • Consider the workings and geographies of the local and global cultural industries
  • Have the opportunity to undertake work placements.


Subjects Credit Hours
First year
Italian Language ,Linguistics,Technique and Creative Writing  6
English language and culture 6
third language or a choice subject 6
Enlish Language with Mediation  Theory andPractice 16
Second Language with Mediation Theory and Practice 16
Info and Art-tainment I 4
Multimedia Tecniques & Performing Arts 6                          
Total 6o
Second Year
Integrated Course of English Literature 6
English mediation Theory and Practice 16
Integrated Course of Digital Entertainment or third language 6
Italian Language Public Speaking 6
Info and Art-tainment II 4
Second language Mediation   Theory andPractice 16
Business Economics and Management 6
Total 60
Third Year
Literary adaptation   and performing skills 10
English Mediation theory and Practice 10
Audiovisual and Multimedia or third language 6
Student’s Choice 9
Second Language Mediation 10
Internship 4
 info and social media Skills 2
Final Exam 9
Total 60
Total per Class 180

Year one

In your first year, you will explore a wide range of approaches, both theoretical and professional, which assist with understanding, engaging with and 'managing' the cultural industries in Rome and Italy .
Core modules include:
  • Contextualising cultural policy in Rome and Italy
  • Cultural and creative industries, the arts and popular culture
  • Cultural production and creative technologies
  • Interrogating consumer culture
  • Managing creative enterprise.

Year two

The second year emphasises the international dimensions of the subject, offering a choice of optional modules and enabling the student to take a work placement.
Core modules include:
  • Globalisation and the cultural and creative industries
  • Intellectual property rights and the regulation of culture
  • Research methods.
Elective modules include:
  • Cultural policy
  • The music business
  • News and society
  • Cultural production project
  • Web creation and digital storytelling
  • Work placement.
As part of an international collaboration students are invited to spend a period studing abroad.

Year three

The final year offers a choice of optional modules. You can focus on the problems and possibilities faced by contemporary cultural workers and develop a piece of independent and original work.
Core modules include:
  • Cultural work and the enterprising self
  • Individual major project on the cultural and creative industries
  • Globalisation and the cultural and creative industries.
Elective modules include:
  • Collaborative cultural production project
  • Digital cultures
  • Popular music now
  • Gender and the media
  • New media: from cyberspace to social media
  • Culture and intertainement
  • Audiences in the consumer society.
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