
Higher Schools for Language Mediators (Scuole Superiori per Mediatori Linguistici)

 SSML "S. Domenico"  
Decreto Direttoriale 24 ottobre 2012Pubblicato nella Gazzetta Ufficiale del 7 novembre 2012 n. 260

Since 2002, the Higher Schools for Interpreters and Translators have been given the opportunity to reform their structure and programmes according to ministerial decree no. 38/02. The whole process is taking place under the supervision of the Ministry for Education, Universities and Research - MIUR. Once reformed, Higher Schools for Interpreters and Translators are renamed Higher Schools for Language Mediators (Scuole Superiori per Mediatori Linguistici).
The courses provide students with a solid mastery in at least two foreign languages and develop specific technical language skills both written and oral for professions in language mediation (interpreting and translating). The new programmes last three years and the degrees awarded are now equivalent to first university degrees in class 3 “sciences of language mediation” (scienze della mediazione linguistica) and give access to the second degree classes 39/S and 104/S for interpreting and translating.
Access requires an Italian school leaving qualification or a comparable foreign one. Admission may be subject to an entrance test devised to check that knowledge in both foreign languages and mother tongue is of a sufficient standard. The current university legislation for student welfare services is extended to all Higher Schools for Language Mediators.

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